Workshop Leader Topic E - Dream Well

Dream Well

Inspire parents and youth to set goals and make financial plans
that help them fulfill their dreams.

Dream Well Session Materials

Get ready-to-use session outlines to lead workshops about helping participants dream and set financial goals. Find everything you need, from handouts to PowerPoint presentations and evaluations.
Select and download session materials below.

Workshop Leader Topic - Dream Well

Dream Well

Inspire parents and teens to set goals and make financial plans
that help them fulfill their dreams.

Workshop 3 - Dream Well

Workshop 2 - Dream Well

Workshop Number: 

Encourage participants to talk about setting financial goals.

Workshop 1 - Dream Well

Parent Topic - Dream Well

Dream Well

We get closer to our dreams for the future—and so do our kids—when we set financial goals.

Money Tips to Achieve Your Dreams

  1. Save money.
  2. Cut back on spending.
  3. Budget so you keep track of your money.

A Financial Goal

A financial goal is a money target you’re aiming for.

Short- and Long-Term Financial Goals

A short-term financial goal is a goal you can usually accomplish in less than one year. A long-term financial goal is a goal you can usually accomplish in five years or more.

Tip - Dream Well - Tip 3

Tip 3

How can I support your dreams?

Tip - Dream Well - Tip 2

Tip 2

How can managing your
money well help you
achieve your dreams?

Tip - Dream Well - Tip 1

Tip 1

What are your dreams?