Money Topics

Live Well

When we’re aware of what our children and teens need to succeed, we can help them make better decisions about money.

What Kids Need to Succeed

Children and teens need positive supports, values and skills that help them make good choices. These are called the 40 Developmental Assets. Source: Minneapolis-based Search Institute.

Developmental Assets

Developmental Assets are 40 experiences that help teens become caring, responsible adults.
The 40 Assets include family support, planning and decision making, and sense of purpose.

Why Developmental Assets Are Important

  • They help children and teenagers succeed.
  • They help children and teenagers make positive money choices.
  • They help children and teenagers avoid risky behaviors, such as drinking alcohol and gambling.
  • They help children and teenagers make positive choices, such as saving money and helping others.

How Developmental Assets Lead to Positive Money Choices

  • The more Developmental Assets your child or teenager has, the more positive money choices he or she will make.
  • The more positive money choices your child or teenager makes, the more Developmental Assets he or she will have.

Get Your Free Copy of the 40 Developmental Assets

Download your free copy of the 40 Developmental Assets from Learn more about Developmental Assets here.

Money Topics for Parents:

12 Key Financial Topics to Cover With Your Children and Teens.